Employer Branding and Talent Acquisition


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A heartfelt topic at last night’s HR Intelligence digital aperitif, October 5, 2022: Employer Branding and Talent Acquisition: how recruiting strategy evolves in the face of new trends in the world of work.

Monica Calenti of Calenti & Partners, EMA Partners, offered us three readings of the phenomenon: labor market situation, candidates’ needs, and companies’ responses (impulsive or thoughtful).

The labor market

The labor market is on the upswing:

  • New professions are being sought, for which it is difficult to define scope, responsibilities and skills, and there is a shortage of experienced and competent candidates;
  • Timeframes have lengthened putting pressure on Hiring Managers, HR BPs and HR TAs but also on those already in the company who have to take on additional work with protracted projects and inefficiencies.
  • Finally, in 70 percent of cases, candidates who start a selection process already have at least one other one started.

Candidates: the link between Employer branding and talent Acquisition

But what do candidates ask for?

  • Hybrid work;
  • Positive internal climate of collaboration and trust;
  • Recognition of the company’s culture and values acted upon;
  • Clarity about career paths and internal mobility.

Sometimes the clarity required exceeds the company’s own capacity for medium- to long-term “vision” and planning. The increasing need to recognize oneself in the company’s values creates a strong link between Employer branding and Talent Attraction.


What about companies? Sometimes they use raises (raises and promotions) in order to retain their employees. However, in this way it is easy to create inequality and discontent. Other companies make Talent Acquisition departments hypertrophic and/or rely on Recruiting Process Outsourcing (RPO) but with no guarantee of balancing costs and benefits.

A more reasoned approach leads instead to:

  • Targeting Employer Branding through social visibility, digital marketing activities.
  • Using tools such as Linkedin and its advanced Recruiter Corporate features.
  • Achieve effective management of the search process: centralizing the process in the TA function helps in this, sometimes calling for HRBP involvement along the way.
  • Speed up and streamline the selection path and improve Onboarding.

The Seedble Experience: Innovative Employer Branding and Talent Acquisition.

Lucia Goracci told us about her experience at Seedble where, through the Innovators Factory program, the talents of tomorrow are attracted and trained, bringing them progressively closer to the world of work, providing them with the practical and conceptual tools to innovate through a fully funded pathway, and all this not only for the benefit of Seedble but of the entire network of partner companies.

The working session

We then, as always, devoted part of the meeting to working and comparing in groups, questioning what has changed in our talent acquisition strategy and why. We got together on all the points raised by Monica and Lucia and brought personal contributions and experiences.

Thank you all for the open and passionate discussion, sharing of ideas and experiences.

We will meet again on October 11, again from 6:00-7:00 p.m. with theme Sustainability and Attraction: how Sustainability is a value of choice for talent.

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Mario Molinari

Mario Molinari