Privacy policy

This Web Notice is adapted to the “Guidelines on Cookies and Other Tracking Tools” issued by the Italian Personal Data Protection Authority in Order No. 231 of June 10, 2021, to strengthen users’ decision-making power regarding the use that may be made of their data when surfing the Web. 

Processing of personal data

HR Intelligence S.r.l. (hereinafter also the Company or HR Intelligence) processes the personal data of the users of this Site in accordance with the principles of lawfulness, fairness and transparency and other general principles whose compliance is required by the GDPR, guaranteeing personal data adequate security and protection from unauthorized or unlawful processing, as well as from accidental loss, destruction or damage, by adopting appropriate technical and organizational measures. This information does not apply to other websites that may be accessible through our links, for which HR Intelligence is in no way responsible.

Data Controller

HR Intelligence S.r.l.

Address Via Piave 79 – Vicenza



Legal Representative Ing. Mario Molinari

Purpose of processing

The personal data provided by users while browsing the HR Intelligence website are used solely for the purpose of activating and/or performing the services or performances requested by users and are not communicated to third parties, unless such communication is imposed by legal obligations or is strictly necessary for the fulfillment of the user’s requests.

Limitation of processing

HR Intelligence’s information systems, computer programs and databases are configured in such a way as to minimize the use of personal information and data, the adequacy, relevance and limitation of which are ensured to what is strictly necessary in relation to the purposes for which they were provided by users.

Disclosure and dissemination of data

HR Intelligence does not disseminate personal data on the site and does not communicate them to third parties, unless such communication is imposed by legal obligations or is strictly necessary for the fulfillment of users’ requests and the achievement of the purposes referred to in the previous point (Limitation of processing).

Place of processing

Personal data related to the services and benefits offered by HR Intelligence through this site are processed at the operational headquarters of HR Intelligence, Via Piave 79 in Vicenza, Italy, and are processed exclusively by the Sole Director of the Company and/or by persons identified and authorized in writing by him/her to process one or more categories of data as Internal Data Processor.

Data retention times.

HR Intelligence establishes data retention criteria/times in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Specifically, personal data are retained:

  • for the period required by applicable administrative, fiscal, contractual, labor law regulations;
  • for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which the personal data were collected;
  • for the time necessary for the proper management of the business;
  • beyond the time limits stipulated in the above criteria, limited to certain types of data, in order to protect the Company’s interests, preserve documentary evidence and/or computer traceability in case of legal disputes, protect intellectual property and, in general, ensure the Company’s compliance with good business practices;
  • in relation to the statute of limitations, for the bringing of legal actions (defense in court), limited to the categories of acts liable to a more consistent probability of involvement in litigation procedures.

Browsing data and the user’s consent to their installation

In the course of its normal operation, the HR Intelligence website acquires some navigation data (cookies), the transmission of which is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols. 

Cookies are small files, installed on the user’s terminal by the site itself (first-party cookies) or by third parties (third-party cookies). Each cookie contains different data such as, IP address, nationality, city, date/time, device, browser, operating system, screen resolution, navigation origin, pages visited and number of pages, duration of visit, number of visits made, etc. Based on their purpose, cookies can be divided into:

  • Technical cookies.

They allow the site to function properly, such as, for example, those that maintain the choices made by the user. Since they are necessary for the proper functioning of the site, the release of technical cookies may occur without the User’s consent. The User can always request the deactivation of cookies by modifying the browser settings, remembering that such deactivation may slow down or prevent access to certain parts of the site.

  •     Profiling cookies.

They have the function of tracking user profiles and can be used for statistical, advertising or commercial purposes, sending targeted messages, in line with the preferences expressed by the user during navigation. They can only be installed with the user’s consent, which is requested through the appropriate banner.

Profiling cookies and ways in which the user cannot give consent

The HR Intelligence website does NOT accept the following criteria for acquiring the user’s consent to profiling cookies:

  • Page scrolling

Some sites allow the release of cookies when the user, after arriving at the site, scrolls the page by moving the mouse wheel. Scrolling is not accepted by HR Intelligence as an expression of the data subject’s willingness to accept the release of profiling cookies. Such an action, in fact, constitutes a habit that the user enacts when accessing a website.

  •     Cookie wall

A cookie wall is a technique used on some websites to deny access to users who do not consent to the use of profiling cookies. HR Intelligence rejects its use, believing that this mode does not represent the free expression of the user’s will, but stems from the fact that without such consent the user cannot view the site.

  •     Legitimate interest

HR Intelligence believes that “legitimate interest” cannot be used to release profiling cookies on users’ terminals and that the only legal basis for the release of profiling cookies is the user’s express consent; legitimate interest can only justify the processing of the user’s data in order to respond to requests made by the user via the contact form on the site.

Profiling cookies and ways in which the user cannot give consent

The user of the HR Intelligence website may exercise at any time the rights provided by the GDPR, in particular:

  1. obtain:
  • access to your data and information about the purpose of the processing, categories of personal data processed, recipients and/or categories of recipients to whom the data have been and/or will be communicated, data retention period;
  • the rectification of inaccurate personal data concerning you and/or the integration of incomplete data, including by providing a supplementary statement;
  • the cancellation of personal data, in the cases provided for by Reg. 679/2016 EU (GDPR);
  • the limitation of processing in the cases provided for by Reg. 679/2016 EU (GDPR);
  • the portability of the data concerning you or the direct transmission of your data to another Data Controller (Data Controller);
  • opposition to the processing of personal data concerning you.
  1. to file a complaint to the Data Protection Authority), pursuant to Article 77 of the GDPR, if you believe that the processing of your data does not comply with the GDPR itself.

To exercise your rights, you may follow the directions made available on the site by writing to the e-mail box, attaching a copy of a valid identity document to your request.